
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mixed media and tablecloths!

October is upon us and we are embarking on our new programme which promises to be every bit as exciting and varied as the last one.  
Emily Notman is our speaker on Monday, her work is described on her website as follows:

"I create bespoke textile instillations mixing media and building up tactile delicate surfaces. I work and rework my pieces with paint, dyes, bleach and ink, burning and layering until finishing it with hand stitch. I find beauty in flaky walls, overgrown buildings and encrusted surfaces; this is something I recreate in my work.
My pieces evolve and grow with time, incorporate history with layering and sometimes the tiniest mark made or stitch changes a piece dramatically it’s this detail that excites me.
Initially I was inspired by a visit to a Fishermans village in Portugal it was the old flaky paint on boats and encrusted textures of the lobster pots that I recreated using fabrics and stitch. I developed my work to look as though it had been abandoned and that it developed its own surface over time. I work in response to old beautiful walls covered up by years of wall paper or overgrown doorways and walls in gardens. Some pieces of my work look as though they have been brought up from the bottom of the ocean with tiny glimmers of pearls and layers of coral stitch.
I studied at Leeds College of Art and Design between 2006 and 2008, which resulted in a passion for Photography, Textiles and Fashion. I then attended the University of Cumbria, graduating in 2011, with a 1st Class BA Honours Degree in Contemporary Applied Arts - specialising in Ceramics, Embroidery and Printed Textiles"

This promises to be a very exciting and informative evening and we look forward to our usual "full house" to welcome our speaker.

All images are from and must not be reproduced or copied without consent

Following on from the meeting there will be an opportunity to catch up on the Memory Tablecloth Project.  Harriet is arriving in Blackpool on Monday to undertake the completion of the project over 3 days during the week.
We have invited her to come along to our meeting, so there will be an opportunity to discuss ideas and plans for the completed piece.

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