It seems like an age since we last met and now halfway through January everything is happening at once!
Happily we have not had any snow and ice, but as it is a bit grey and windy I think we all need a bit of colour to cheer us up!
Those members involved with the Tactile Textile project met and continued with assembling the blankets. We are on track to complete the target of 25 by the end of March, and there will be an opportunity to look at the progress at our January stitch night which is on Monday26th January.
Travelling books are due to be exchanged at the stitch night so if you are still pondering what to do - now is the time to get the creative juices flowing!
Thoughts are turning to our exhibition in April and we have lots of wall space to fill so please start to think about your entries. If you have not put anything into an exhibition before don't be afraid - Just do it! Our February meeting is all about presenting and framing work so there should be lots of ideas and advice on hand if you need it.
The Treasure Trove Project is now off the ground and we had a session with Costumologists this week. Details are on the Treasure Trove Facebook page here:
If the link won't work just search for Blackpool Treasure Trove and it should come up!
We are all looking forward to our next session and hope to get our ideas off the page and into stitch as soon as we can!
Our own Facebook page has more updates and photographs so please take a look:
Jane Emerson
20 hours ago